This course is created for the benefit of vulnerable coastal communities. Mangroves play an important part in stabilizing seashores from sea level rise. It also protects lives and properties from cyclones and other extreme weather.
In addition, it mitigates up to 5 times more CO2 climate gases than terrestrial trees. It is an ideal solution for communities to take protective actions. Following this course will empower you to succeed in implementing valuable projects on your initiatives.
Participants for this course:
They are new beginners interested in mangrove planting and restoration but need more experience. We invite participants from local NGOs, non-formal groups like school teachers and children, and other local administrative organizations to join our courses.
Course learning:
The course consists of 9 modules covering 46 simple lessons. We offer articles to read, videos to watch, notes to write, a discussion board to join, and puzzles to solve. Learners can study independently, but joining in the discussions will help you learn more.
For newcomers, go to (Register) and (Log in), then TAKE COURSE.